Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent Spiral and Lantern Walk

We were fortunate to be invited to join Nina Pacha (Mateo's former Waldorf School) in their celebration of their advent spiral and lantern walk. Mateo and I took our homemade lanterns.

Mateo's lantern

Advent Spiral 

Advent Spiral with candle light 

" In some Waldorf schools it symbolizes finding light in the

darkness. In other schools and churches walking the spiral as an individual carries the image that

every human being must make; a journey to an inner place;  where we can find a light to carry

back into the world to help us in our own journey. The labyrinth is said to be nondenominational because it can be related to many different religions and cultures and because it

represents man’s journey on his own spiritual path within his religion, rather than the path of one

specific religion" Kristie Burns

Children's lanterns

Lanterns made with recycled plastic bottles

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